Resources for Transformation in this COVID Moment
"If there is one thing history teaches us, it is that moments of shock are profoundly volatile. We either lose a whole lot of ground … or we win progressive victories that seemed impossible a few weeks ago. This is no time to lose our nerve. The future will be determined by whoever is willing to fight harder for the ideas they have lying around."
Naomi Klein, Canadian author, social activist, and filmmaker
Journey Map Template
This Journey Map offers you a straight forward process of mapping from your past priorities through the COVID crisis moment to the immediate and transformed future. It’s being used right now by a funders collaborative to prioritize shifts in their shared work and has relevance to any collaborative or individual organization effort to respond proactively to the changes happening locally and worldwide.
Strategic Refresh Questions
The strategic refresh questions will help you go deeper into your Journey Map, including exploring the systemic dynamics that are shifting and become more complex. The questions ask you to consider what has changed amid this crisis that you want to sustain, what has become politically viable that you never thought was possible, and what is happening that you know you must stop now before it becomes the new status quo.